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What is FIYA Pay? In the simplest terms, you can think about FIYA Pay as a profit sharing system for artists, fans and promoters.

πŸ‘‰ IMPORTANT: Everyone has the ability to earn. You, the artist, The Fan and Promoters (The folks on FIYA that run the Radio Genres) This is the perfect incentive for you to gain more fans. Imagine a system that lets them listen to music and earn. And it’s FREE.. To you and them!!!

So when you share your songs on FIYA, make sure to always remind your potential fans, to sign up to FIYA, so as they listen, they earn ( and yes!! You earn as well ) πŸ’‘

When you listen to your own music (do not abuse this)
When you listen to other people's music 
When someone listens to your music, and they have FIYA Pay enabled, you both earn.
When you or anyone shares your music, they earn from the share, you earn from the share, the listener that come via the link share, earns.

If you’d like to review music and earn from each review, click here
Here is the philosophy. Why build up a platform, that charges you a membership fee, after you do all the hard work to build them up. 

What do I have to do to get paid? You have to Enable FIYA Pay on your account. Click the button, agree to the terms and you’re done. As you listen to music ( yes, even your own) you will earn stream points.

How am I getting paid? Once you have points, we will convert them based on the income generated by all the traffic ( this is the profit sharing part) on FIYA. A proprietary algorithm created by our developers, to ensure the stream earned and monies available are fairly distributed. So basically, the more you listen, the more streams, the greater the income possibilities.

How much can I make? This is the difficult part to explain, so we’ll show you how the advertisers pay us and how the income is earned. It’s called ECPM, Estimated Cost Per Thousand (M is the roman numeral for 1000)
Here is the info they use (word for word) Google’s Adsense is the leader in this area, so we will use them as the primary example.

Join the FIYA Platform for FREE and Enable FIYA Pay Today!

Major factors affecting ECPM (Source
CTR : The majority of AdSense bids are per click, so the Click Through Rate of your ad units has a huge impact on revenue performance. Units that are in positions where they attract few clicks will have drastically different performance to those with high CTRs.
Geography : Advertisers are willing to pay differing amounts to reach customers in different regions. Customers in the so called β€œtier 1” countries; USA, Canada, UK command higher prices.
Your niche : The majority of AdSense ads are contextually targeted. This means that AdSense will select ads that are related to the content of your page. Due to the auction nature of AdSense different niches will attract different levels of bid. For instance, content about holidays and flights is likely to attract higher bids than content about your pet hamster.
Choice of ad unit size : Advertisers prefer certain ad sizes . Less common formats tend to attract less bids, and large formats tend to attract higher bids. The same ad shown to the same user can achieve very different final rates across different ad unit sizes due thanks to the effect of upwards price pressure in more competitive auctions.

Visitor behaviour and demographics : In addition to contextual targeting, Advertisers can target by user demographics and behaviour (retargeting). Having a valuable audience who shop online can push up rates thanks to the extra bids and auction pressure these methods introduce.
Told ya, lots of blah blah blah.. The main thing to understand here, is that it’s a complex algorithm by the advertisers, but we will manage it to get the best possibilities for income for all of us.

Ad Blockers. Ad blockers block ads..Blocked ads mean NO INCOME. So if the system acknowledges the ad blockers, the stream will not count. Please turn off the ad blocker for
About the ads, these are real offers by real vendors, so if you see an advertiser that interests you, by all means, support our efforts by taking advantage of the offer. It does not cost you anymore, we don’t make anything, but the click is helpful to all of us. DON’T CLICK ON AN AD FOR NO REASON. This will have a negative effect on all of us.

Join the FIYA Platform for FREE and Enable FIYA Pay Today! 